Hauraki Gulf Sailing
I love being out on the ocean, especially on great days like that. I took this photo out on the water, on the Hauraki Gurl, outside of Waiheke island. We had a clear blue sky and quite a bit of wind, the waves were still pleasant and not too high. It was very inspiring watching those other sailboats pass by, flying over the water.
The yacht above was sailing straight towards us and I liked how it forms kind of a line with the other two sailboats following it in the distance. Not to mention the stunning cloud formations flying over the Hauraki Gulf on that day.
I preferred the black and white version of the photo as it seems to give the clouds a more prominent role. At a closer look, you might notice the large long cloud that seems to be hovering almost perfectly parallel over the island. I am really happy how this shot turned out.